ETF Creations/Redemptions: The Drive to Regulatory Harmony

By Richard Keary and Bibb Strench The create-redeem process is the key reason why the exchange-traded fund (“ETF”) is a viable investment vehicle and one of the fastest growing products in financial history. Arguably, the mechanics of and the ecosystem that has built up around the creation and redemption process for ETFs, has made it […]

Webinar On Demand: Increased Popularity of Option Overlay Strategies

Increased Popularity of Option Overlay Strategies: Mitigating Downside Risk with ETFs in Today’s Market On-demand webinar presented by ETF BILD Project Recent market volatility has many advisers looking for ways to reduce downside risk in their clients’ portfolios. Even the most diversified and insulated portfolios may fall victim to this unpredictability if they are not […]

A Conversation with Rick Redding from the Index Industry Association – Part II

In Part Two of a two-part series, the ETF BILD team sat down recently with Index Industry Association (IIA) CEO to discuss the evolving world of index regulation and its implications for the ETF industry. Part II – ESG Indexing and Regulation BILD: Does ESG pose any particularly new, interesting or provocative discussions about regulation? […]

A Conversation with Rick Redding from the Index Industry Association

In Part One of two-part series, The ETF BILD team sat down recently with Index Industry Association (IIA) CEO to discuss the evolving world of index regulation and its implications for the ETF industry. Part I – Global Regulatory Landscape for Indexes BILD: Rick, thanks for making time for us. These are interesting times to […]


ETFs in large part are regulated by a single statute, the Investment Company Act of 1940 (1940 Act). While most agree that the statute over the many years of its existence has done an admirable job of regulating ETFs (and mutual funds) and protecting their shareholders, it nevertheless contains a number of surprising provisions including […]