Market Volatility

February 1, 2019 Speed of Information – Not ETFs, Algos or HFT Why when the markets go down or become volatile do people blame ETFs, algorithms and HFT (high-frequency trading) when the real, and perhaps less obvious, culprit is speed of information? Maybe it is human nature to build up success stories – ETFs – […]

Preparing for the Next Generation of Actively Managed ETFs

January 29, 2019 Key Notes: Many expect the SEC to soon approve newer versions of exemptive relief for the next generation of actively managed ETFs, which differ in how they keep the ETF’s strategy secret, how they support the arbitrage process and potential intellectual property (IP) protection. Five applicants have received and responded to SEC […]

Interview with Rick Redding of the Index Industry Association

December 5, 2018 From time to time, ETF BILD has the opportunity to discuss a variety of issues and topics with prominent individuals in the ETF industry. In connection therewith, we seek comments from our readership resulting in a full and thoughtful discussion around the issues and topics vital to the ETF Industry. Recently, ETF […]

ETF BILD Submits Comment Letter to SEC on ETF Rule

October 1, 2018 Via E-mail [] Mr. Brent J. Fields Secretary U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20549-1090 Re:  Release Nos. 33-10515 and IC-33140 (File No. S7-15-18): Exchange-Traded Funds; Proposed Rule Dear Mr. Fields: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this letter in response to the request for comments […]

Three ETF Industry Pioneers Discuss Innovation – Past and Future

August 27, 2018 ETF BILD was formed to stimulate discussion on the business of ETFs, and recently we had the pleasure of sitting down with three of the earliest innovators in the ETF industry, including our own ETF BILD co-founder John Jacobs, to capture their insights on what inspired them in the early days of […]

The ETF BILD Project Presents its First Leadership Discussion Session

ETF veterans discuss implications of FINRA Rule 5250 April 6, 2018 From time to time, ETF BILD has the opportunity to discuss a variety of issues and topics with prominent individuals in the ETF industry. In connection therewith, we seek comments from our readership resulting in a full and thoughtful discussion around the issues and […]