At ETF Global’s fall ETP Forum, co-founders John Jacobs and Bibb Strench participated in a panel discussion on regulatory, industry and legal issues in the ETF industry. The discussion included developments surrounding product approval process, custom baskets, nontransparent ETFs, and the SEC’s “ETF Rule.”
ETP Forum is a comprehensive one day program that has been built upon the premise of allowing Advisors & Institutions the opportunity to take a deep dive into the most relevant investment themes this year. ETF Global (ETFG®) is a leading, independent provider of data, research, investment decision support applications, proprietary risk analytics and investment models for Exchange-Traded-Products.
A full look at the ETF Changing Legal & Compliance Landscape Panel can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_h1PDMfa3s&feature=emb_title